So as an entrepreneur or manager, you can finally make a scientifically sound decision.
and without going hungry.
Master in Sport & Exercise Science
Helps entrepreneurs & managers with health, immunity and desired weight, with little time and without starvation
finally achieve sustainability
at work & everyday life
suffer from heart disease or diabetes
less stress for more resilience
01 _______ The problem
Weight problems or even existing illnesses?
Most people are confused when it comes to what dietary strategy is best for them. The yo-yo effect or long-term increasing weight are consequences of a society flooded with media and different opinions.
There is no clear strategy to solve existing health and weight problems in a sustainable way. Often there is simply not enough time to acquire scientifically sound knowledge, because one is simply too busy.
02 _______ The system
I’ll show you a science- and phase-based system that you can use to achieve long-term success without much sacrifice and more food.
Your advantages are obvious
You don't have to spend 5 or 10 years making every mistake there is. You can also achieve good results from home with little effort. I will show you how you can implement a sustainable strategy.
In addition to more resilience at work, you can finally romp around with your children or grandchildren again and not be the first to be out of breath when playing football with your friends.
External appearance and health go hand in hand. Diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure are easy to prevent but can even be cured. At the same time you will reach your desired weight.
"I enjoy eating much more than before and it is more varied. In general, I feel better and can perform better.
I am also gradually losing weight. Even with 10 hours of training or more per week I had the problem of being too heavy. The last time I had that weight was 10 years ago! Thank you Franz.”
Qualification for the triathlon world championship through less
weight fluctuations and
more performance
"As far as nutrition is concerned, Franz showed me a long-term strategy that is easy to implement if you are willing to work on yourself. I feel better, my performance is better and I have also lost weight".
Actively managing your own energy balance with nutrition
"As a founder and managing director, long and intensive days are my daily routine.
Franz has shown me my way, how I can improve my life through proper nutrition and proactive
micro-relaxations can actively influence my energy balance. This provides
me room to breathe and above all has a positive influence on my environment."
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Minus 15 kg and more fitness/energy through a unique but everyday concept.
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More energy again and minus 9 kg in 7 weeks
Update: Meanwhile it is 35 kg.
sustainable 10 kg weight loss in 2 months
secured against heart disease and 10kg weight loss even at home office
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